Category: WordPress

WPtouch Mobile Theme

When I first installed WordPress I noticed the default theme, Twenty Eleven, supplied a mobile version for smart phones. When I later installed the theme Graphene and though it has some amazing features, the mobile theme for it was not included. By chance, I stumbled onto a plugin called WPtouch made to work with any …

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Featured Images Replacing Banner Image again.

With the blog’s title now above the banner, I could again allow the featured images associated with the blogs to replace the banner image. After activating this feature I was surprised to see it did not work. I tried both resizing the images to slightly larger than the required size and this seemed to work …

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New WordPress Theme

Indeed there are other themes available that allow much greater customization. This one, Grahpene, allows for featured images to replace the header image. The trouble with that is the name of blog is layered on top of the image requiring a contrasting color to stage the text. My featured images are not compatible so, for …

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Banner Images of Web Sites

In working with WordPress I have figured out how to make a custom image appear in the banner for each blog. They are screen shots of the sites I have built and they appear on the individual blog pages, not the blog home page where the newest blogs are summarized and a random selection of …

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Thanks to

Many thanks to for their instructions on how to install WordPress. This enabled me to move from to this blog on my own server.

Chittenden Dammers Update

The Chittenden Dammers Snowmobile Club is the first of my sites I linked to a WordPress blog. The trail conditions blog has become quite popular. This update changes the welcome blurb, the TMA membership form and some photos.