Early Spring Ice Melt Photos

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Glen+Lake,+Castleton,+VT&aq=0&oq=glen+lake+castlevermont&sll=43.663802,-73.237464&sspn=0.025705,0.052443&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Glen+Lake&t=h&z=14&ll=43.663802,-73.237464&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

Off on a hike at Glen Lake to check how much ice is on the lake and to see how long before I can put the kayak on the water, I took the photos seen at the top of this blog of the ice and the the hike along the shore.The ice was still thick in places and rapidly breaking up in the sun with crunching sounds as the wind blew the floating masses into each other or against the shore. In the middle where the sun has access all day long, the water was open yet there was no way to get a boat to it. I will just have to be patient. So each blog page opens with a different photo at the top from the trip.

Glen Lake

Some were taken with an iPhone app called Dermandar, a panorama camera. Above is a 180 degree image but the scrolling view of images on their web site must be seen. This one on their web site is 360 degrees!